Sea Turtle Adventures Continues to Develop Innovative Programming for Adults with Special Needs
Jackie Kingston, Executive Director, Sea Turtle Adventures, Inc.
Sea Turtle Adventures, Incorporated (STA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based out of North Palm Beach, FL. The mission of STA is to conserve local populations of sea turtles, educate the public about the marine environment, and provide nature-based programs to adults with special needs. While STA was officially formed in 2016, the work that we have been doing on the beach to protect sea turtle's dates back nearly two decades. STA has monitored a 3-mile section of beach in southern Palm Beach County for 19 years, documenting nearly 1,000 nests annually.
Hannah Zegel attending an outreach event.
Dr. Larry Wood (left) presents a ‘big check’ to Jacquelyn Kingston, Alessandra Schnirel, and Joe Kingston in support of STA’s programs.
One of the programs that makes STA unique is our iCare program. This one-of-a-kind program was specifically designed for adults with special needs who enjoy nature. The program began in November 2017 with seven participants and as of March 2019, the program has 53 members. The purpose of iCare is to enhance life skills through interaction with the natural environment. The group meets several times a month and helps paint sea turtle nest stakes, conduct beach cleanups, and enjoy adventurous activities including kayaking and boating.
STA has appreciated our relationship with The National Save The Sea Turtle Foundation (NSTSTF) since we formed in 2016. With support from NSTSTF, we were able to purchase a projector to launch our offsite educational program in early 2017 and in 2018 we were able to purchase a side by side ATV.
Lauren Maheady and Alessandra Schnirel tend to mangrove seedlings that will one day be used in restoration projects
Now in 2019, NSTSTF is helping support our ongoing sea turtle conservation program including a research and development project to identify a more environmentally friendly material that can be used for sea turtle nest signs as opposed to the traditionally used plastic signs.
Ms. Joan Lorne performs a sea turtle nest productivity assessment in southern Palm Beach County.