The National Save The Sea Turtle Foundation sponsored the 42nd annual Broward County Waterway Cleanup Kick-off Party at the Marine Industries Association office in Fort Lauderdale on Thursday evening, February 7 at 6:00pm. Guests enjoyed complimentary drinks and light hors d’oeuvres, and this year’s artwork created by Steve Diossy was unveiled. The 42nd annual Broward County Waterway Cleanup, which was held on Saturday, March 2, is organized by the Marine Industries Association of South Florida and Marine Industry Cares Foundation. The event is the County’s largest and longest-running environmental event. The National Save The Sea Turtle Foundation has been a proud sponsor of the event since 1994.
Each spring, the Gumbo Limbo Nature Center in Boca Raton hosts “Sea Turtle Day” to help ring in the upcoming sea turtle nesting season. This year’s event, held March 2nd, included numerous environmentally-themed informational and interactive booths, arts and crafts, great local food, and of course guided tours of the Nature Center, Sea Turtle Rehabilitation Center, and Florida Atlantic University’s on-site Laboratory facilities. It was also an opportunity to meet with our friends from Nova Southeastern University, who were on-hand to receive the annual proceeds from the National Save The Sea Turtle Foundation’s Adopt-A-Nest Program. These funds will be used to conduct nesting surveys and nest productivity analyses on the beaches of Broward County in 2019.
Gumbo Limbo Nature Center is host to “Sea Turtle Day” each spring to help bring awareness to the community about the upcoming nesting season. Larry Wood and Connie Versteeg (below) enjoyed the beautiful day at the Foundation’s booth.
Nova Southeastern University’s Sea Turtle team received the proceeds from the National Save The Sea Turtle Foundation’s 2018 Adopt-A-Nest Program.
Gumbo Limbo Nature Center is host to “Sea Turtle Day” each spring to help bring awareness to the community about the upcoming nesting season. Larry Wood and Connie Versteeg (below) enjoyed the beautiful day at the Foundation’s booth.