Figure 3. (left) An experiment to determine how synchronous hatching is achieved in the Murray River turtle. A dozen eggs from one nest are divided into two groups of 6 eggs each, then incubated in containers at two different temperatures (25▫ or 30▫ C) for one week. The warmer eggs develop faster, setting up differences between the eggs both in development and in when hatching should occur. After one week, the eggs are combined; then, all are incubated at either 25▫ or 30▫ C until they hatch. If at 30▫ C the initially warmer eggs delay and synchronize hatching with the cooler eggs, the results support the “wait” hypothesis. Alternatively, if at 25▫ C the initially cooler eggs hatch sooner than expected and in synchrony with the initially warmer eggs, the results support the “catch-up” hypothesis - which is what happened (Modified from [1])
The other (control) nest box contained eggs from two nests that differed by 2 weeks in development. In that nest, the A2 embryos would hatch first without stimulation but could in that process stimulate the C embryos. The outcome was as predicted: all three of the eggs stimulated by embryos from other nests (the A1, B, and C eggs) hatched almost a full day before the A2 eggs, that were deprived of stimulation. Communication must have occurred!
Until experiments like these were carried out, biologists were unaware that late-stage embryos were capable of monitoring the development of their siblings or coordinating their behavior through communication channels that are yet to be fully explored. We now know that these kinds of interactions occur not only among turtle embryos, but also in other species - frogs and fishes, for example - and that they have evolved through natural selection because they convey survival advantages. In some examples, late stage embryos, especially when the nest is threatened by predators or parasites, hatch early to escape those threats. In other cases, they delay hatching when conditions deteriorate until environmental conditions improve. In retrospect, it seems perfectly plausible that especially when nests are abandoned, these kinds of adaptations would soon become almost ubiquitous.
(1) Spencer, R.-J., Thompson, M.B. & Banks, P.B. 2001. Hatch or wait? A dilemma in reptilian incubation. Oikos 93:401–406.
(2) Field, A., McGlashan, J. K. & Salmon, M. 2021. Evidence for synchronous hatching in marine turtle (Caretta caretta) embryos and its influence on the timing of nest emergence. Chelonian Conservation and Biology, Vol. 20:(2) doi:10.2744/CCB-1489.1
(3) Warkentin, K.M. 2011. Environmentally cued hatching across taxa: embryos respond to risk and opportunity. Integrative and Comparative Biology 51:14–25. Doody, J.S. 2011. Environmentally cued hatching in reptiles. Integrative and Comparative Biology 49:49-61.
(Thanks to Jeanette Wyneken for edits that improved manuscript organization and clarity.)
Figure 4. Above, loggerhead hatchlings emerging from the nest (J. Wyneken photo). Below, an experiment to determine if loggerhead embryos communicate with their siblings and in the process, stimulate one another to complete development faster. Twelve eggs from one nest are divided into two groups (A1, A2), placed in separate nest boxes and incubated at a constant temperature (31▫ C) for 2 weeks. The A1 nest is then paired either with eggs from another nest deposited two weeks previously (the B eggs) while the other (A2) nest is paired with eggs from a nest deposited the previous evening (the C eggs). Incubation continues until all the eggs hatch. In this experiment, the A1, B and C eggs are stimulated by the hatching activity of the additional nest embryos. As a result, they incubate for a shorter time than the A2 eggs, not stimulated by the C eggs that are less developed. The A2 eggs take significantly longer to develop (2).
For those interested in learning more, the two references in (3) summarize the most important studies.